sindresorhus / eslint-plugin-unicorn

More than 100 powerful ESLint rules

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing rules in plugin

RebeccaStevens opened this issue · comments

Some rules are missing from the exported rules.
I discovered this while trying to covert my config to work with the eslint 9 rc.

The rules no-anonymous-default-export, no-await-in-promise-methods and no-single-promise-in-promise-methods are not in the plugin's rules.

import pluginUnicorn from "eslint-plugin-unicorn";

const allRules = Object.keys(pluginUnicorn.rules);
console.log(allRules.includes("no-anonymous-default-export")); // false
console.log(allRules.includes("no-await-in-promise-methods")); // false
console.log(allRules.includes("no-single-promise-in-promise-methods")); // false

Like most repos on GitHub, the main branch tracks the latest development, not the latest release. These rules were not yet released, but they are now: