sindresorhus / electron-debug

Adds useful debug features to your Electron app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Could open dev tools in packaged app with Cmd+Alt+I

dschuessler opened this issue · comments

The readme states that there is "no need to guard it for production". I built my Electron app via electron-builder and was able to invoke the dev tools with Cmd+Alt+I (but not F12) after launching the app.

electron-debug is installed as dev dependency.

This is my call to debug:

  devToolsMode: "detach",
  showDevTools: false

Let me know if you need additional information for reproduction.

electron 7.1.11
electron-builder 21.2.0
electron-debug 3.0.2
macOS 10.14.6

This is actually unrelated to electron-debug. Sorry for the noise.