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Reading Group

RichardLitt opened this issue · comments

Would anyone be interested in a virtual reading group, based on this list? We could decide to read one book every month or two, and then post our thoughts here.

cc .@sindresorhus

I would be

Great idea. Count me in.

I'm part of this meetup group called Bring Your Own Book. It meets every month and people discuss the book they've read or are reading - every person brings their own book. Can we try that instead? Pick a book from the list and post your thoughts here.

I think that's a much better idea. Maybe October 1st could be our first 'Bring Your Own Book' thread?

Awesome idea! I don't think I'll be able to participate, but I'd be happy to promote it.

@sindresorhus maybe a tweet? :)

Alright! Let's plan a book for the next month. How would you all like to structure this? I can send out a reminder here about weekly check-ins, and we can plan to talk about it at the end of the month here. We could also make an issue per book, and people can subscribe as they like. Sound good?

I'll make an issue and redirect from here with three likes on this comment, if it sounds good. Otherwise, discuss below?

I think we should start with:

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.

Pattern Recognition

This sounds good. I'm totally in. Other than @RichardLitt just telling everyone what books to read how can we decide what to read?

We could have a vote? We could each suggest one book at the end fo the month, and the number of 👍 's would be used to judge voting?

hm okay I can't think of a reason not to use a vote to figure out what we should read moving forward.

Re issues: I think we should probably keep it to one issue though because that way we can gradually build up a repository of conversations based around the books we've read. Having a single thread will keep things more organized across the repo as well.

I was going to suggest a smart contract... However, just voting among members would be good.

@ArcAster What would that look like?

Re issues: I think we should probably keep it to one issue though because that way we can gradually build up a repository of conversations based around the books we've read. Having a single thread will keep things more organized across the repo as well.

Yeah, but after a couple of conversations, the page will be almost impossible to load.

I'm all up for one-issue-per-reading scenario, with a specific tag and a template as the beginning of the topic. That way, we would have a nice, consistent conversation per every book, can link to the discussions about the book easily, and export things easily if needed.

I agree with Aleksandar.

@Aleksandar-Todorovic I hadn't thought of loading a really long issue thread as a problem. Good point. Let's decide upon a tag and a format and then start reading?

Tag: reading-group
Format: February: Book TBD

  • Let's choose one book per month.
  • Let's decide on the book in the last week of the previous month, by opening an issue and then renaming it when we decide. On the first day we can check the votes per suggestions, and read that one.
  • I can open the issues and tell people where to buy it, and then we can comment as we go along, or at the end.

Sound good?

@RichardLitt Sounds like a great plan to me! Do we want to vote on what were going to read for February or should we go with your original suggestion?

Frankly, I went with that book because I heard it's good and it's on my shelf. I'm lazy. Since we don't have much time left in the month, might make sense to just choose one and start rather than delaying a few days to vote for another one?

Alright! Created. Let's keep this open for a bit for people to comment on the process.

Hey I just commented in the other group but I think it would be a good idea to have a more organized time to discuss the reading over chat. I am on EST but pretty much anytime during the day I'd be alright to chat about what we've read.