sindresorhus / Plash

💦 Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper

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Multiple screen support

sindresorhus opened this issue · comments

I intentionally left it out in the initial version as I don't use multiple screens myself, so I'm not exactly sure how it should optimally work. Please leave some feedback if you need multiple screen support.

Possible solutions:

  1. Add preference to display it on the second screen if connected.
  2. Add preference to display it on a selected screen if connect. Would be a dropdown to choose screen.

I'm open to other ideas.

I think you covered the primary options needed. Personally I'd just put the same thing on both screens, but I could also see someone wanting different pages per screen. That might be useful, though likely a bit more to implement.

It would be useful for me to have a different URL per screen

Another vote for different url per screen or drop down to set screen. I’ve got four monitors connected and would primarily like to put a calendar on one desktop, and maybe weather on another

I currently have a different desktop background per screen per desktop, so I'd want this to behave the same.

Plash v1.1.0 adds the ability to at least choose what display to show the website wallpaper on.

I would appreciate multiple monitor support. I can see how it would make the preferences panel more complicated, not to mention how the URL is chosen.

I would also appreciate multiple monitor support - I use 3 displays and currently can only get the background on one display. A different webpage per display would be ideal. Thanks

This will happen eventually, but there are other issues I plan to prioritize first. Contributions are always welcome though, both in form of figuring out how it should work and also code.

@sindresorhus Is this the app that uses the infamous NSMenu?

@jcousins-ynap Are you referring this tweet?

@jcousins-ynap That tweet is about Dato. Plash does use NSMenu, but only as a static menu, so I won't be encountering any of those problems here.

Plash v1.1.0 adds the ability to at least choose what display to show the website wallpaper on.

I think an option to set "all monitors" would be a good next step :)

It seems easier than allowing different urls on different screen (which would be ultimately my need.)

I'm unfortunately unlikely to work on this anytime soon. I only use a single screen myself, so it's simply not a priority.

However, I thought of a workaround today. You can run multiple instances of Plash at the same time. One for each display. And hide the extra menu bar icons by enabling the "Hide menu bar icon" setting.

Here are additional builds of Plash with a different bundle ID so they can have individual preferences.

Plash v2.13.5 (requires macOS 13.3 or later):

  1. Plash in the App Store.
  2. Plash
  3. Plash
  4. Plash
  5. Plash
  6. Plash
  7. Plash
  8. Plash

(These builds have individual URL schemes plash:, plash2:, etc)

Plash v2.12.0 (requires macOS 12.4 or later):

  1. Plash in the App Store.
  2. Plash
  3. Plash
  4. Plash

(These builds have individual URL schemes plash:, plash2:, etc)

Plash v2.4.0 (requires macOS 11.3 or later):

  1. Plash in the App Store.
  2. Plash
  3. Plash
  4. Plash

@sindresorhus Im not able to run Plash on external monitor.

@sooxt98 This is not the place to report a bug. Open a new issue with more info.

also +1 vote for this, but understand you've got to prioritize.
thanks for the workaround, came here to find this :)

I'm unfortunately unlikely to work on this anytime soon. I only use a single screen myself, so it's simply not a priority.

However, I thought of a workaround today. You can run multiple instances of Plash at the same time. One for each display. And hide the extra menu bar icons with something like Bartender (paid), hidden (free), or Dozer (free).

Here are additional builds of Plash with a different bundle ID so they can have individual preferences:

Could the updates for these different bundle IDs be automated on your build pipeline?
These versions are outdated now and I wonder how can we keep them updated.

@wesleycoder I'm unlikely to spend time on automating a hacky workaround. If I'm gonna spend time on something, it would be a proper solution. However, I have updated the builds in #2 (comment) to the latest version of Plash.

for mac, I definately use several "Desktops" (Backgrounds) and so having several plash bagrounds would be perfect!
That way I can put my google calendar and a google sheets on two sepparate backgrounds!

I have updated the builds to the latest Plash version.

+1 - Plash is a genuinely superior alternative to the built-in mac desktop. That it currently allows JS explodes the possibilities in ways not only "cool" but genuinely useful and productive. Building multiple screen support would be my #1 request. Thanks for the great work.

support of multiple screens would be great.
Anyway, Plash is top!


Please please please make it so we can have 8 different Plashes running at once, I use all 4 currently and would like to use more.

@laurencebush I have updated the builds and added 8 now.

Would it be possible to get updated builds for 2.15?

Two related requests, one tiny and related to these builds, and one that could easily be included in the primary build:

  1. when hovering in the menubar, these builds all say "Plash", without the ident digit — could that be fixed w/ plist changes or sth?

  2. Ideally, the drop-down could show the loaded URL or some other description, whether or not one is running multiple copies in parallel …