simplewebrtc / SimpleWebRTC

Simplest WebRTC ever

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iceConnectionStateChange and RTCDataChannel

freaksN opened this issue · comments

Hi guys,
after having worked on App for chatting with SimpleWebRTC, which was functioning normally, some problems have started to occur.
All of the sudden when 2 or more peers are connected to the same room after a couple of seconds the following is printed out on the console and there is no more connection between the peers.

**SimpleWebRTC event: iceConnectionStateChange Event {isTrusted: true, type: "iceconnectionstatechange", target: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, …} simplewebrtc.bundle.js:15106**

**SimpleWebRTC event: signalingStateChange Event {isTrusted: true, type: "signalingstatechange", target: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, …} simplewebrtc.bundle.js:15106**

**SimpleWebRTC event: channelClose RTCDataChannel {label: "simplewebrtc", ordered: true, maxRetransmitTime: 65535, maxRetransmits: 65535, protocol: "", …} Event {isTrusted: true, type: "close", target: RTCDataChannel, currentTarget: RTCDataChannel, eventPhase: 2, …}**

And this happen overnight. The code was not changed at all it just happening automatically. Any idea what has happed and how to fix this problem ?

this was probably due to the crash that should have been fixed by simplewebrtc/signalmaster@7d46834