simplewebrtc / SimpleWebRTC

Simplest WebRTC ever

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No local and remote video on iOS

amalinaaziz opened this issue · comments

No local video and remote video seen or they are all in black after a peer connected. But the remote user or peer can view the video. This issue is only occur on iOS app, no issue in android app.

I've tried:

  • add playinline, webkit-playsinline, control="true"
  • add cordova.plugins.iosrtc.observeVideo(localVideo);
  • change the z-index. the "body" background-color: transparent

I am using this SimpleWebRTC and cordova-plugin-iosrtc plugin.

Any pointers?

I've fixed the issue by:

  1. adding cordova.plugins.iosrtc.observeVideo(video);
  2. adding playinline attribute
  3. removing the CSS "object-fit: cover" on the remote video. I am not sure why but this does causing the video to be blank in iOS.
