simplewebrtc / SimpleWebRTC

Simplest WebRTC ever

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Safari 1.11 Error creating RTCPeerConnection

mariroman opened this issue · comments

I try to start video conference between client on Safari and Firefox(60.0.1)

  1. Safari client initializes local video element.
  2. Safari client creates a room and joins to it.
  3. Firefox client joins to room.
  4. Safari client is acknowledgment about it and fails during init peer connection with error:

[Error] TypeError: Error creating RTCPeerConnection
initializeRTCPeerConnection (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:10089)
(funzione anonima)
PeerConnection (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:10089)
Peer (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:15217)
createPeer (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:16099)
(funzione anonima) (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:15827)
onack (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:13315)
onpacket (simplewebrtc.bundle.js:13240)

Error occurs in row:
this.pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config, constraints);

SimpleWebRTC is created with opts:
localVideoEl: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.local),
remoteVideosEl: "",
socketio: {
"forceNew": true,
"path": plugin.digitalAccountOpening.webRtcConfig.getContext()
autoRequestMedia: true,
peerConnectionConfig: {
iceTransports: "relay"
url: plugin.digitalAccountOpening.webRtcConfig.getUrl()

updating to latest version of adapter.js fixed it for me.

What is adapter.js? What have I missed?
I'm using webrtc.js and my own signal/stun/turn servers.
It works on Chrome, but I'm getting same error on Safari...

It is the supporting library used by the simplewebrtc.js
the repo has two version of "simplewebrtc.js" one with adapter.js and the other without it.
Should be named simplewebrtc-bundle.js or something.
you can find latest version of adapter.js here
I hope it helps.

I believe this thread is completed, please resolve it in order to reduce clutter