simonsmith / cypress-image-snapshot

Catch visual regressions in Cypress with jest-image-snapshot

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Missing `jest` dependency

DCzajkowski opened this issue · comments

The package @simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot@6.1.1 does not provide jest, even though it is a peerDependency of jest-image-snapshot. It should be included in its peerDependencies with the same version range: >=20 <=29

Warning in the console:

@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot@npm:6.1.1 [d859c] doesn't provide jest (pd104e), requested by jest-image-snapshot

Yes, I also noticed this warning.

I'm tempted to ignore it because we do not actually use Jest. The function used here is an internal function that has no use of Jest

Doesn't seem correct to force users to download Jest as a dependency that is not used. Perhaps there is a way to ignore?

Perhaps there is a way to ignore?

I am not aware if that's possible :/

It looks like the best option is for consumers of the library to enable the logFilters option

Could potentially add a note to the README on this

Closing this for now as not critical