simonmichael / games

Small games, experiments, and notes on (Haskell) game development.

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Small games, experiments and game dev notes.

Games and experiments

βœ… = confirmed installable on target platforms as of release date πŸ•Ή = a playable game πŸ”” = sound

βœ…πŸ•Ή tiny-games-hs 2023 haskell
βœ…πŸ•ΉπŸ”” caverunner 2021 haskell, ansi-terminal-game
πŸ”” breakout 2007, 2020 haskell, sdl
βœ… metapong 2019 haskell, ansi-terminal-game
βœ… symon 2016 haskell, ansi-terminal
βœ…πŸ•Ή guess-the-number 2013 haskell, cli
hssdl-osx-template 2013 haskell, sdl
hssdl-mac-example 2011 haskell, sdl
animtest-hs 2010 haskell, sdl, opengl
wallofdoom 2009 python, pygame
rocks 2005 IO
πŸ”” frozen-bubble-py 2002 python, pygame
βœ…πŸ•Ή FunGEn game engine & example games (maintenance) 2008-present haskell, opengl

Haskell game development

See also

How hard is it to make games in Haskell ?

Pretty hard to figure out a good setup; relatively easy and pleasant after that, for non-resource-intensive games at least. These notes and examples aim to help.

Some problems and solutions

(as of 2021-09)


Minimising packaging boilerplate and complex/unreliable install instructions
Use a stack script with script command.

Getting stack script header just right

  • Specify all extra packages (packages other than base that you import from) with --package options in the stack script header. If you forget any, the script may run for you but fail for others.

  • If they depend on packages not in stackage, you must also mention each of those (the error message will list them.)

  • Use a block comment ({- -}) so that you can write packages and options on multiple lines. (A line comment (--) will work only for one line.)

Avoiding apparent hang when ghc is installed on first run
Add --verbosity=info to stack options line to show ghc install progress (but this also shows unwanted "resolver" output on every run. --verbosity=warning hides that, but still shows package install progress. --verbosity=error hides that too.)

Avoiding recompilation delay on every run
Use script --compile in stack options line (or script --optimize, which might take longer and/or run faster).

Running stack script in threaded mode when using packages that require this
(ansi-terminal-game, etc.): add --ghc-options=-threaded to stack options line

Providing ready-to-run binaries that don't require the user to have stack or other haskell tools

  • set up Github CI workflows to build binary artifacts on the main platforms (and ideally, statically link the GNU/Linux binary); add those to a Github release for stable download url.

  • mac: get your app packaged in homebrew

  • etc.

Providing screenshots/screencasts
use a convenient screenshot tool on your platform (eg CMD-SHIFT-5 and friends on mac); or install and use asciinema to record .cast files, asciicast2gif or similar to convert those to animated GIF images; add the images to a


Getting haskell-language-server to see extra packages, eg for editing in VS Code
add this hie.yaml in the same directory:


and stack install each extra package in stack's global project.
(Still flaky..)

Configure GHC build options, eg to silence unwanted warnings
Add lines above your imports like
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-unused-imports #-}

Enabling/disabling GHC's optional Haskell language extensions
Add lines above your imports like
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, RecordWildCards #-}

Terminal/console games

Drawing anywhere on the terminal, portably
use ansi-terminal

Getting non-blocking input, a ready-made event loop, and more powerful drawing, portably
use ansi-terminal-game

Getting more powerful input/drawing/event loop, if you don't care about Windows
use vty and brick

Getting arrow key and modifier key inputs
use vty


Small games, experiments, and notes on (Haskell) game development.


Language:Haskell 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%