silkflo / Pong

AnyMind Unity test

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Pong 2D

Brick breaker game developed with Unity in 2D for mobile Android.

Watch the video

Endless Mode Pause Menu in challenge mode
This is an image This is an image


Build from scratch a brick breaker game with Unity in 1 week 🐱‍👤
The main focus for this application is the game mechanic.
No design or animation required.

Reward : a new job opportunity 🤩

Game Features

The game has 2 playing modes :
Endless: Only no more life will end the game.
Challenge: Custom levels.

  1. Endless Mode

    • Block of bricks dimension and location editable from the inspector
    • Random brick colors
    • Score
    • HighScore record
    • Unlimited levels
    • Level display
  2. Challenge Mode

    • Timer
    • Ball speed
    • Lives stored in game memory
    • Endless achievment if all challenges are won, it keep your lives
    • Free play during transition level
    • 3 Challenges
      • Customize level : Level with ostacle
      • Time challenge : 1 minute to clear the level
      • Fast Ball : Ball speed up every 2 shots. Back to normal speed on life lost
    • Success Panel
      • Retry
      • Next Level
      • Menu
  3. Both Mode

    • Pause on double tap
    • Cracked brick on multiple hits
    • Power up life on brick broken
    • Game Over panel
      • Retry
      • Menu
    • Pause Panel
      • Resume game
      • Sounds settings
        • Icon mute change
        • Sound state saved
      • Retry
        • Restart the level
        • Resets the lives by default to 3
      • Go to menu

Game Resolution: 1920x1080 Portrait
Bug report: Google Spread Sheet
Sprites: Unity Store
APK File: Download the game
Mirror link: Pong.apk

About Me

With a real passion for computing, coding is what I do, I was born to do and I always will do. Through years of personal, freelance and company experiences, I have acquired a wide-range of useful and adaptable knowledge.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have been privatly trained by Fahir from awesome Tuts which was a great experience.

Other useful technologies I am confortable with : restAPI, JavaScript, React, SQL, R and more...
Please visit my portfolio : to know much more about me.

This challenge was really fun 😊, let's hope you will like my work.

Assignement result for Anymind Group : Lost


AnyMind Unity test


Language:ShaderLab 67.9%Language:C# 20.3%Language:HLSL 11.8%