silkapp / rest

Packages for defining APIs, running them, generating client code and documentation.

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The name "rest" is completely impossible to google.

lpil opened this issue · comments


Rest is a really poor name for anything in the web world. It's impossible to find information about this project as any search with "rest" and "haskell" gives you results to do with REST for every other Haskell framework and Haskell library out there.


7/10 of the first search results for "haskell rest" on google are for this project, so it doesn't seem like a big problem to me. I think at this point it would be even harder to find information about the project if we changed the name.

If you want a challenge try googling things related to Go or Flow :-)

If you want a challenge try googling things related to Go or Flow :-)

Or Hack. Jeeze.

We won't change this now, but thank's for showing interest in the project.