silevis / reactgrid

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CSS Selector on input overrides material ui styles

mithodin opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The styles for any input element which is a child of a .rg-celleditor Element get overridden by this rule:

This breaks e.g. the material ui date selector, because .rg-celleditor input is more specific than the selectors mui uses to style the input.

Current behavior
reactgrid styles apply to material ui input used within a cell in edit mode.

Expected behavior
reactgrid should only style element it has created itself, by using a class or other appropriate css selector.

Screenshots or gifs
Date Input with overridden styles
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-26 um 10 21 26
Date input when reactgrid's rule is disabled
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-26 um 10 22 24

Do you have a demo?