silentbicycle / socket99

Wrapper library for the BSD sockets API with a nicer C99 interface

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Shouldn't you zero initialize the socket99_cfg struct before using it to avoid garbage data?

zeeman opened this issue · comments

So just from a quick look at this code, I'm wondering how exactly you avoid situations where the socket99_cfg struct is polluted with garbage data. In the socket99_open function, it's assumed that cfg->path will be NULL if the user doesn't want to make a UNIX domain socket, but if there's garbage data in the cfg->path member, would that not cause it to accidentally try creating a UNIX domain socket instead?

It's unnecessary in C99. If the suggested initialization style is used, any fields which are not explicitly initialized are set to 0, and fields set to 0 are internally set to reasonable defaults by the library.

See this blog post for more details.