sigstore / helm-charts

Helm charts for sigstore project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Upload chart release to Rekor

sabre1041 opened this issue · comments

Publish Chart releases to Rekor using the Helm Sigstore plugin

Dependent on #4

I like this one.

@sabre1041 is anyone working on this plugin? I would like to help out.

@hectorj2f an initial implementation is here if you want to test it out. It will be merged in the next day or so

Hello folks, this is a really really great feature! we've started another issue on cosign project side, maybe kinda bit related because both are Helm plugin features, we are waiting for feedbacks, please feel free to tell us your thoughts, all would be appreciated 🤩🤝

👉 sigstore/cosign#1118

Resolved in #48