sigstore / helm-charts

Helm charts for sigstore project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Avoid keeping private key and password in the cluster secret

adubey8 opened this issue · comments


This is related to the open bug: #24

As a workaround for secretKeyRef not resolving, one has to provide following parameters:
--set cosign.cosignKey=‘base64 encode’ --set cosign.cosignPassword='base64 encode' --set cosign.cosignPub='base64 encode'

Even if the secretkeyRef works, I do not want to keep my private key and password in the cluster.
So why in this chart cosignKey and cosignPassword are required. Currently this command complain if all 3 parameters are not provided.

$k get secrets cosigned-cosign-key -o yaml
  cosign.key: <>
  cosign.password: <> <>

Ideally shouldn't the webhook only look for public key to validate the signed images?

@adubey8 I believe we missed this issue, but it has been solved. Even though you don't need to store the private key to validate a signed image.