sigstore / helm-charts

Helm charts for sigstore project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How are people generating the JSON schema?

k4leung4 opened this issue · comments


Curious what people are using to generate the JSON schema, as I'm not sure what I'm doing is the best way.
I've been using

Do other people have better tooling for this?

I don't think this is better, but I've been using this (deprecated) helm plugin --

Funny that you should mention it. Like. @priyawadhwa mentioned, I have gone down a similar path to what you have mentioned as well @k4leung4 . I will note that in the past, I have used some tools, such as Readme Generator For Helm, to assist in generating.

However, you bring up a good point which I'll being up on the Helm side