signum-network / signum-explorer

Signum Blockchain Explorer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Details from pending transactions does not show the message

deleterium opened this issue · comments

Send a transactions with a message. Inspect pending messages and click details. Message text is not shown.

Details show the message in the same way it is shown for transactions already stored on chain.

This should be fixed already when the node is v3.3 or higher. Please check with the testnet version and soon with the mainnet upgrade.

I think i was not clear. It is not working in testnet right now.

Here the pending transaction, clicked into details but the message is not displayed.

Minutes later, the same transaction show the details and the message.

@jjos2372 So you can check that the issue still there, if it is supposed to show the attachments on pending transactions.

Reopening to investigate.

testing the fix for this on if you can test again and let me know if what you were seeing is fixed? Trying to close out some of these old issues.. :-) #178

added in latest PR. #178