signalapp / libsignal

Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible.

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how can i used libsignal in vue project?

MarisaDA-ZE opened this issue · comments

As a beginner in the Signal Protocol, I have learned from online sources that it boasts excellent security due to its unique double ratchet encryption algorithm, which ensures both forward secrecy and backward secrecy for data. However, I am unsure whether it is applicable to my project where I am trying to use Java and JavaScript implementations of Signal to enable communication between them. Specifically, I aim to have the browser client side implemented in JavaScript encrypt data and send it to a Java server-side for decryption. In this scenario, can libsignal be utilized?

Also, I am not clear on whether libsignal requires Rust dependencies for either the client or the server implementation. Are there any straightforward examples available that would illustrate how to use libsignal in such a context?

Sorry, this sort of open-ended question would be better suited for the unofficial community forums at