signalapp / libsignal

Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible.

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Andrii256 opened this issue · comments

Maybe I'm a bit unnatended, but I didnt saw place in documentation when I can get info about that.

I created few signal chats for different type of reports. I mean each chat is for special type of reports.
Its comfortable for me, because I can scroll and find notes which I need.

But. For security reason I need to clean my chatting history. But. I would like to save my notes somewhere in my pc.

I am familiar with javascript and with typescript.

Are there any way for me to kinda download my messaging history from my specific chats?

Sorry, the Issues for this repository are specifically about libsignal, the library implementing some of Signal's underlying functionality. Feature requests should be made through Support, and you can discuss "unofficial" solutions on the community forums.