sigma-andex / purescript-barlow-lens

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How to used newest version with Helpers?

chtenb opened this issue · comments


The current package set only included 0.7.2 it seems, which doesn't have the helpers yet.
I've tried overriding it in packages.dhall with

in  upstream
  with barlow-lens.version = "v0.8.0"

but when compiling it says

spago build
[info] Installing 1 dependencies.
[info] Searching for packages cache metadata..
[info] Recent packages cache metadata found, using it..
[info] Installing "barlow-lens"
[info] Installation complete.
Compiling Data.Lens.Barlow.Types
Compiling Data.Lens.Barlow.Parser
Compiling Data.Lens.Barlow.Generic
Error found:
at .spago/barlow-lens/v0.8.0/src/Data/Lens/Barlow/Construction.purs:48:3 - 48:4 (line 48, column 3 - line 48, column 4)

  Unable to parse module:
  Unexpected token '('

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or to contribute content related to this error.

[error] Failed to build

How should I fix this?

Which purescript version are you using? Your error looks to me like you are on version v0.14.1 or earlier. This is also the reason you dont find barlow version v0.8.0 in the package set.
Try to do the following:
Upgrade purescript to the latest v0.14.4 and then do a spago upgrade-set.
Then you spago should also find the v0.8.0 dependency and you shouldn't see the error.

That is indeed the case! Upgrading the purescript compiler made the error go away. For some reason the explicit version is still necessary in packages.dhall, but that is probably due to some other problem, as the spago upgrade-set command returns with an error after I upgraded purescript. Anyway, thanks for the hint and thanks for the cool project.

Might be a spago caching error or version error. Check if you have the latest spago version and if so delete the .spago folder