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Switch to threadfin?

sigaloid opened this issue · comments

Provides automatic pool resizing.


It's a bit bigger of a dependency, but it avoids my (admittedly amateurish) resizing of the threadpool... I don't see a super compelling argument to feature-gating it, as it's the threadpool library, not something the enduser typically wants to have to configure.

I've actually been playing with the concept of removing threading altogether and using a state machine. When I was reading up on slowloris one of the things that was pointed out was that NGINX was immune to the attack because it doesn't have a thread pool, rather it uses one thread per CPU and utilizes a state machine to handle requests.

I've set up a basic implementation and ran drill against it. I've gotten a result of 1500 requests per second with 80 simultaneous requests being handled by the server and all on a single thread.

I'd love to see this implemented; gotta do some reading on state machines first 😅. Does this affect the speed of parsing of requests as well? That way we can easily benchmark it to quantify the change in speed.

So the idea behind it is to break down the processing into steps and keep track of where you are in the steps.

The main loop does the following:

  1. Check for new incoming requests, if there is one add it to the pool
  2. Iterate through the pool
  3. Read some data
  4. Are we done reading data? parse it.
  5. Are we done parsing? Make a request
  6. Do we have a request? Get a response?
  7. Write the response out.

My current implementation is very rough, my initial attempt was much more granular but I got to a point where I was reading up on RefCell and RC and I'm not up to speed on that. So I kept it simple.

Things I discovered. I had to write my own read timeout because setting it on a non-blocking stream doesn't work. I also had to implement it because certain browsers will initiate the TCP connection if you hover over a link and never actually touch it.

Scaling is done by the size of the Vector so I can set a max size and just drop connections if I exceed that amount. I haven't been able to max it out yet.

Very impressive, I like it! Is the performance better than currently? It seems like it would be. Unfortunately the existing Criterion benchmarks I have really only benchmark the request-parsing so I'm not sure if it would measure a difference in the case of a state machine.

Right now the results are very similar. There's a couple of things I've taken away from that. First, I haven't taxed the server enough to the point of there being a difference between the two. Second, that this is very favorable towards the state model as a naive implementation is able to hold its own against a thread pool.