siduck / chadwm

Making dwm as beautiful as possible!

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No sound & unresponsive buttons

rainer2208 opened this issue · comments

hi, I installed chadwm yesterday and i am trying to get used to the functionalities.

two things I am unable to figure out:

  1. The sound won't work. I have alsa and utils installed. I once got it working with the pulse audio settings, but when i hit the the sound button in the launcher, the sound goes off and not back on.

  2. Some of the buttons in the launcher appear unresponsive : the wifi button and the shutdown button don't open anything. the sound button also doesn't respond.

I am on Arco Linux and use chadwm with startx.

show output of alsamixer, the sound button in the eww widget mutes the master channel in alsa

read the code for statusbtns in eww config and define your own commands for some buttons, i didnt add any commands for wifi button

and for the shutdown one i use "doas zzz", zzz is a script available for artix/void, so edit it

i was away for the last couple days and didn't have time to look into this

"i use "doas zzz", zzz is a script .... " .. where can i find this code? it is apparently not in the chadwm/config.h file

i was away for the last couple days and didn't have time to look into this

"i use "doas zzz", zzz is a script .... " .. where can i find this code? it is apparently not in the chadwm/config.h file

replace it with systemctl suspend or loginctl suspend :)

"replace it with systemctl suspend or loginctl suspend :)"

thanks for the quick reply ...

i am still quite lost :-) how do i do that? is this the chadwm code?
if so, where exactly?

"replace it with systemctl suspend or loginctl suspend :)"

thanks for the quick reply ...

i am still quite lost :-) how do i do that? is this the chadwm code? if so, where exactly?

not chadwm, its in eww config, go to .config/eww/, if you used neovim with telescope, it would be easy for u to search! check nvchad


cool, that worked, many thanks :-)

nice work, BTW