sidorares / node-rfb2

rfb wire protocol client and server

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Remote cursor shape

Madd0g opened this issue · comments

I did some googling and it seems like some RFB clients support remote cursor shape. I mean when the cursor shape changes on the server to something like resize or text, I want to receive that event on the client.

Is that currently supported or planned?


hi! Not supported, but I'm happy to add it ( no promise on timing though if I do it myself )

looks relatively simple - Cursor Pseudo-Encoding

hi @Madd0g - added and published as @v0.1.0

api: rect with encoding set to rfb.encodings.pseudoCursor. = same as raw rectangle ( cursor visible pixels ) rect.mask - bitmap, mask ( one bit per pixel ). rect.x, rect.y - cursor hostspot location

When this is enabled at connection time server does not display cursor, but sends cursor update events ( as rectangles with pseudoCursor encoding ) each time cursor shape is changed