sidoh / esp8266_milight_hub

Replacement for a Milight/LimitlessLED hub hosted on an ESP8266

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MQTT not working in HomeAssistant

R0SSI89 opened this issue · comments

I can't get the MQTT working with Home Assistant. I get the following error in the HomeAssistant logs. This happens when I add new alias in the milight interface.

Home Assistant log output:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery
Source: components/mqtt/
Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: October 2, 2023 at 23:29:03 (74 occurrences)
Last logged: October 3, 2023 at 07:16:45

Unable to parse origin information from discovery message, got {'support_url': ''}

Setup information


Home Assistant 2023.9.3
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest

MQTT broker: Mosquitto broker (default settings, but created a user for it)

Current version: 6.3.1

Firmware version

1.11.0, didn't try another firmware

Output of http://milight-hub.local/about

    "firmware": "milight-hub",
    "version": "1.11.0",
    "ip_address": "",
    "reset_reason": "Power On",
    "variant": "nodemcuv2",
    "free_heap": 19584,
    "arduino_version": "3.1.2",
    "free_stack": 912,
    "flash_used": 10291,
    "flash_total": 957314,
    "flash_pct_free": 98,
    "queue_stats": {
        "length": 0,
        "dropped_packets": 0

Output of http://milight-hub.local/settings

    "admin_username": "--------------",
    "admin_password": "--------------",
    "ce_pin": 4,
    "csn_pin": 15,
    "reset_pin": 0,
    "led_pin": -2,
    "radio_interface_type": "nRF24",
    "packet_repeats": 50,
    "http_repeat_factor": 1,
    "auto_restart_period": 0,
    "mqtt_server": "--------------:1883",
    "mqtt_username": "--------------",
    "mqtt_password": "--------------",
    "mqtt_topic_pattern": "milight/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id",
    "mqtt_update_topic_pattern": "",
    "mqtt_state_topic_pattern": "milight/states/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id",
    "mqtt_client_status_topic": "",
    "simple_mqtt_client_status": true,
    "discovery_port": 48899,
    "listen_repeats": 3,
    "state_flush_interval": 10000,
    "mqtt_state_rate_limit": 500,
    "mqtt_debounce_delay": 500,
    "mqtt_retain": true,
    "packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity": 0,
    "packet_repeat_throttle_threshold": 200,
    "packet_repeat_minimum": 3,
    "enable_automatic_mode_switching": false,
    "led_mode_wifi_config": "Fast toggle",
    "led_mode_wifi_failed": "On",
    "led_mode_operating": "Slow blip",
    "led_mode_packet": "Flicker",
    "led_mode_packet_count": 3,
    "hostname": "milight-hub",
    "rf24_power_level": "MAX",
    "rf24_listen_channel": "HIGH",
    "wifi_static_ip": "",
    "wifi_static_ip_gateway": "",
    "wifi_static_ip_netmask": "",
    "packet_repeats_per_loop": 10,
    "home_assistant_discovery_prefix": "homeassistant",
    "wifi_mode": "n",
    "default_transition_period": 500,
    "rf24_channels": [
    "device_ids": [
    "gateway_configs": [],
    "group_state_fields": [

Additional context

First time using this and it would be great if I get it working (if I find some time I will provide some updates to the wiki)

i get the same error

Hey @R0SSI89 and @bluebier, which version of HomeAssistant are you guys using? I'm guessing this field was added in recently. I had hoped it'd add a link to the config page in the HA UI but it didn't, so probably safe to remove it.

Hi @sidoh,
first time user here, and I have the same issue.
I am using the latest version of Home Assistant:

Home Assistant 2023.9.3
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend-versie: 20230911.0 - latest

@sidoh I added the HA version information in the issue, but it's the latest. I saw a lot of changes in the MQTT in HA, not sure if this could be the issue (I'm not a programmer, but a system engineer).

Thanks, guys. Will take a look. I'm also on 2023.9, so a little strange that I'm not seeing it.

Oh wait, this is showing up for me too, but it's a warning. Is it not a warning for you guys?

Yeah you're correct, so I guess not a bug.. Maybe a misconfiguration, but where :(

Do you see an entry in Settings > Devices for espMH? It should be named the same thing as what you have the hostname configured to.

If you do, can you show me a screenshot of what yo usee there?

Yes it is a warning in the logs.
It does not add the device under Settings > Devices

Gotcha. That's likely the cause. Will try to reproduce and get back to you guys.

For me it isn't either not showing under Settings > Devices.

Not suer if it helps, but these log lines appear in the Mosquito Broker logs when I remove a paired bulb and add it again (using the same device ID and group as the remote).

2023-10-04 21:52:49: Client milight-hub-5582972 disconnected due to malformed packet.
2023-10-04 21:52:49: New connection from on port 1883.
2023-10-04 21:52:49: New client connected from as milight-hub-5582972 (p2, c1, k15, u'milight').
2023-10-04 21:53:02: Client milight-hub-5582972 disconnected due to malformed packet.
2023-10-04 21:53:02: New connection from on port 1883.
2023-10-04 21:53:02: New client connected from as milight-hub-5582972 (p2, c1, k15, u'milight').
2023-10-04 21:53:44: New connection from on port 1883.
2023-10-04 21:53:44: Client <unknown> closed its connection.

Ow and changed the MQTT state topic pattern to (compared to the settings provided when I created the issue):


I got a notification about a new update: 2023.10.0. Should I try this update?

Do you see an entry in Settings > Devices for espMH? It should be named the same thing as what you have the hostname configured to.

If you do, can you show me a screenshot of what yo usee there?

This happened to me last weekend after I decided to start fresh, but hadnt got round to troubleshooting. (also shows IP adddress for URL)
@sidoh I suspect this is broken for new/fresh installs - I also suspect it wont add new aliases showing up for existing working installs.

I got a notification about a new update: 2023.10.0. Should I try this update?

I suspect it wont take @sidoh long to resolve this. But if you urgently need it working, you can manually add your lights using the MQQT Light component

I'm not in a rush, I've got it "working" via the official Wifi box, but I want to make it a little smarter ;)

Thanks for the quick responses!

Taking a peek now. Thanks all for the extra info.

Don't expect a new version of HomeAssistant will help anything. I think I just mangled the discovery json a bit. (in my defense, the docs are kind of hard to parse).

Here's how another integration shows in MQTT

This is the current MiLight MQTT

Yeah, o is supposed to be a supported abbreviation of origin according to the docs. Maybe all of these fields need to be filled out? In any case, I couldn't really figure out what the function of this data was, so I just removed it.

I'd hoped it would add a link in the device dashboard to the config page, but it didn't have that effect.

I believe this guy will fix the problem: #805

I tagged a beta release. Will publish that when the build finishes for you guys to try out.

Just loaded this version and can confirm the MQTT discovery is now adding devices as expected for myself.

Will try the beta tonight (I'm from the Netherlands). Thanks @Sidon 😄

Just did a quick test before getting ready to work, and it works!
It shows new devices immediately.
Thank you!

Nice, thanks for confirming, guys! I'll merge this and cut a release. LMK know if there are any issues :)

Fixed in 1.11.1! Thanks everyone for the thorough reports.

(no difference in 1.11.1-beta1 and 1.11.1 except the version tag/metadata.)

Thank you, it works now!