sidneys / ffmpeg-progressbar-cli

A colored progress bar for FFmpeg.

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ffmpeg-bar generates two ffmpeg instances. Why?

BETLOG opened this issue · comments

Why does ffmpeg-bar generate two ffmpeg instances?


The command line in the two instances shown is very long, but trust me that they are identical. Only the pid differs.

Same for me. Any answers/ideas?

I've just been assuming it is supposed to do that, but because sometimes it doesn't I'm wondering whats up.
I almost continuously run a -preset veryslow conversion on thousands of game recordings, and often pause the re-encoding processes to actually play/record more. So I notice it doubled up from time to time when I check whats running in ksysguard (process manager).
I'm not concerned, but if it's not supposed to do that I'd like to know how to fix it.

This looks like it's addressed in #8