siderolabs / omni

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publish docker-compose with bare minimum requirements for on-prem

rsmitty opened this issue · comments

With the release of image-factory integration into Omni, we will now have to require image-factory into the on-prem environment if folks do not wish to use the service. We should publish a compose file with the following containers for on-prem users such that on-prem users have a good experience and it's easy to deploy:

- image factory
- docker registry (insecure, for factory to push to)
- discovery service
- omni

Would also like to see the entire thing baked in to a machine image. Talking to at least several of our on-prem prospects (not concerning Omni or Talos, yet), the ask for a machine image has been common.

A helm chart for an on-prem kubernetes installation of Omni would be awesome!

This would actually help me get a philosophical grip on how sidero runs omni
I'm behind on documentation reading, because I always am, but I can sounding board some of what might be considered bare minimum?

For instance, the airgap doc is confusing ~

Is a git server / keycloak required or highly recommended for running Omni airgapped? I would assume the docker-compose would need to follow a similar structure to the airgapped setup. Where do we draw the line at bare minimum?

The current config that I found - this is my best stab at starting to fill it out

# Omni


Is this any generated uuid? I don't have an omni account uuid
If I just need to generate a random uuid, I'd drop ACCOUNT from the variable declaration.
Makes me think I have to go sign up for an omni account somewhere. Dumb complaint, but I barely know what I'm doing.


## Keys and Certs

I don't just have etcd running in this test environment, I would hope to set this up after setting Omni up. This is my first chicken and egg problem. Can omni configure etcd post setup?


## Binding

## Domains and Advertisements

SMTP is another thing that would be nice to setup after the fact but I'm not sure if that's what the initial user emails setup is for here.

## Users

I also don't have external auth setup, unless you count LDAP. Is auth integration also required in order to boot omni up the first time? Or a nice to have.

## Authentication
AUTH='--auth-auth0-enabled=true \
      --auth-auth0-domain=<auth0-domain> \
# Or, when using SAML:
# AUTH='--auth-saml-enabled=true \
#       --auth-saml-url=<saml-url>'
#Only one AUTH version can be used at a time, so ensure to remove the one you don't use.

Thanks for pushing this forward, hopefully me bumbling around behind you will help.