siddjain / openldap-bug

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This document decribes a bug with OpenLDAP. Repro steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run
  3. Run
$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:636 -state -nbio -CAfile jnj-ca-chain.pem -showcerts

Expected: no error

Observed: Verify return code: 7 (certificate signature failure)

Reason: The TLS certificate returned to the client is different from the one provided to the server. The TLS certificate returned to the client can be seen in output of openssl s_client and is saved as cert_returned_by_openldap.pem. It can be diff'ed against the original certificate to see the difference.

WITSC02X6385JGH:temp sjain68$ openssl x509 -in jnj-ldap-server-tls.pem -text -noout > jnj-ldap-server-tls.txt
WITSC02X6385JGH:temp sjain68$ openssl x509 -in cert_returned_by_openldap.pem -text -noout > cert_returned_by_openldap.txt
WITSC02X6385JGH:temp sjain68$ diff jnj-ldap-server-tls.txt cert_returned_by_openldap.txt
<         Issuer: C=US, ST=WA, L=Bellevue, O=Johnson & Johnson, OU=client, OU=jnj, CN=rca-jnj-admin
>         Issuer: C=US, ST=WA, L=Bellevue, O=Johnson & Johnson, OU=jnj, OU=client, CN=rca-jnj-admin
<         Subject: C=US, ST=WA, L=Bellevue, O=Johnson & Johnson, OU=client, OU=jnj, CN=jnj-ldap-server
>         Subject: C=US, ST=WA, L=Bellevue, O=Johnson & Johnson, OU=jnj, OU=client, CN=jnj-ldap-server



Language:Shell 100.0%