shuva10v / jenkins-pipeline-goodness

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Daily usage Jenkins Pipeline utilities covered by JUnit tests.

Basic usage

In your Jenkninsfile


node {
    def docker
    String version

    stage("checkout code") {
        // checkout your code here or there ...

        // and then:
        checkout([$class                           : 'GitSCM',
                  extensions                       : [[$class           : 'RelativeTargetDirectory',
                                                       relativeTargetDir: 'jenkins-pipeline-goodness'],
                                                      [$class           : 'CleanCheckout']],
                  userRemoteConfigs                : [[url: '']], // Jenkins Pipeline Goodness url
                  branches                         : [[name: 'refs/tags/1.1.1']]]) // Jenkins Pipeline Goodness version
    docker = load "jenkins-pipeline-goodness/src/main/groovy/docker.groovy" // attach docker module
    try {
        stage("build image") {
            dir('path/to/your/dockerfile/') {
                def dockerFileContent = readFile('Dockerfile')
                version = docker.readVersion(dockerFileContent)
                echo "Found version in Dockerfile ${version}"
                docker.imageBuildPush("organization/name", version, "latest", "our-private-registry:12345")
    } finally {
        if (something_exists_that_we_must_clean) {
            docker.removeImage("organization/name", version);


  • exec - Execute command inside docker image
  • imageBuildPush - Build a docker image, tag it, and push to repo
  • run - Run a docker image, wait the TCP port to be ready, return container Id
  • removeImage - Remove image from repo
  • stopById - Stop docker container.
  • readVersion - Read LABEL version="n.n.n" from Dockerfile
  • temporaryFile - Get temporary file


mvn test - for all tests

mvn -Dtest=environmentTest test - for environment tests

Versioning Guidelines

This project follow Apache rules of semantic versioning. Use git tags of the current project.


  • Alexey Aksenov


The Jenkins Pipeline Goodness Project is licensed to you under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0, a copy of which has been included in the LICENSE file. Please check the individual source files for details.


Copyright © 2016 DoubleData Ltd. All rights reserved.

Apache License


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Groovy 99.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%