shutterstock / rickshaw

JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs

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Gettings vis.selectAll is not a function when created from within Vue

davidsielert opened this issue · comments

Nothing is really spectacular from my vue component code but I'm getting

    at klass.render (rickshaw.js:3603)
    at Rickshaw.Graph.render (rickshaw.js:525)

with this simple creation code..

 this.graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
        element: document.querySelector(`#VB-${}`), //have to call id like this cause the uuid's can start with an integer
        renderer: 'area',
        stroke: true,
        series: [{
            color: this.color,

This seems to be related to storing the instance on the Vue instance (this) Compare these...

Doesn't work - throws vis.selectAll is not a function

 this.graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
        element: document.querySelector(`#VB-${}`), //have to call id like this cause the uuid's can start with an integer
        renderer: 'area',
        stroke: true,
        series: [{
            color: this.color,

This code works

var rs1 = new Rickshaw.Graph({
        element: document.querySelector(`#VB-${}`), //have to call id like this cause the uuid's can start with an integer
        renderer: 'area',
        stroke: true,
        series: [{
            color: this.color,

But why would where I'm storing the instance variable matter ? I don't understand this..

I am facing same issue, need to declare a Graph object globally, when I create graph object as component member graph not rendering. can you please provide solution for this.

so... it was in march.. have you found solution?

Found a solution: Vue wraps all data elements in an observer. This override all methods attached to them. In order to solve this issue, create graph as an array:
data() {
return {
graph: []
methods: {
initGraph() {
this.graph[0] = new Rickshaw.Graph({