shutterstock / node-common-errors

Common error classes and utility functions

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[Q] Since SyntaxError is also built-in, how do you usually handle that?

erapoport opened this issue · comments

I fully expect that as soon as I start using this library, someone will get confused between SyntaxError and errors.SyntaxError.

I just wrote this test and it doesn't pass:


It does pass if I say instanceOf(SyntaxError). How can I globally overwrite the default one to keep the code sanity?

Thank you!

The standard error classes are re-included in common-errors in order to allow you to append stack traces

new errors.SyntaxError("no exclamation point allowed", someOtherError)

If you ever want to know if something is a SyntaxError, use instanceof(SyntaxError) with the global class as it will work for both.

I was a little wary of replacing the standard error classes with common-errors globally because of unintended side-effects. If that works for you, feel free to do so.

instanceOf(SyntaxError) would work for both if I pass the original SyntaxError error?

 //bluebird typed error catcher
 .catch(SyntaxError, (e) => throw new errors.SyntaxError(no exclamation point allowed", e))

Have I read that correctly?


If that does not work I consider it to be a bug that I will patch asap. I have tests that tell me it works, but do please let me know if you find differently.

Wonderful, it was indeed my mistake and now both types pass the test. Now that part is working, but err.toString()seems to contain only the message from when I rethrow the error, not them both glued together as I expected.

EDIT: Actually, I'm not sure if that should be the default behavior. On the one hand, I don't want to glue the error message every time I convert from built-in errors, on the other hand, I should really have to minimize the occurrences where that's even needed. Hmm...