shurcooL / githubv4

Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How can i run multiple mutation

liangyuanpeng opened this issue · comments

mutation {
  createDiscussion(input: {
    repositoryId: "abc"
    title: "first discussion title"
    body: "first discussion body"
    categoryId: "asd"
  }) {
    discussion {
  addDiscussionComment(input: {
    discussionId: "asd"
    body: "first discussion reply!"
  }) {
    comment {

I want to use this lib to request this graphql and i just can let it work for one mutation:

mutation {
  createDiscussion(input: {
    repositoryId: "abc"
    title: "first discussion title"
    body: "first discussion body"
    categoryId: "asd"

This is the code for it:

var m struct {
		CreateDiscussion struct {
			Discussion struct {
				Repository struct {
					ID githubv4.ID
				Title    githubv4.String
				Body     githubv4.String
				Category struct {
					ID githubv4.ID
		} `graphql:"createDiscussion(input:$input)"`
	input := githubv4.CreateDiscussionInput{
		RepositoryID: "asd",
		Title:        githubv4.String("first discussion title"),
		Body:         githubv4.String("first discussion body!"),
		CategoryID:   "asd",
	err := ghV4Client.Mutate(context.Background(), &m, input, nil)
	if err != nil {

Thanks any help and this project is great, Thanks for your work.


Just work for this graphql also great:

mutation {
  createDiscussion(input: {
    repositoryId: "abc"
    title: "first discussion title"
    body: "first discussion body"
    categoryId: "asd"