shurcooL-legacy / backlog

My backlog of things I want to get to get around to resolving.

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Submit CL to net subrepo to fixup inconsistent use of double spaces in comments.

dmitshur opened this issue · comments

In CL 19131, I made a nitpicky comment:

All sentences in the comments that are added in this commit are separated with a single space, except this one. It is separated by 2 spaces.

Wouldn't it be more consistent to separate it by a single space like all others?

To which @bradfitz replied with:

I'd take a CL, sure. Audit the rest of the files while you're at it.

In order to help make Go slightly better, I should make that CL.

He also pointed out that:

the Go project has decided that for consistency with itself, we're all going to use single space in official Go repos.

So maybe I should also try to look at a more sweeping change to fix up the rest of the codebase to be more consistent and not have this (really minor, admittedly) issue.

In lieu of higher priorities and limited time, I will deprioritize this and close the issue. Even though doing this change would make Go slightly better, there are many more valuable things that can also be improved in the same amount of time.

Primarily, the inconsistency in single vs double space between sentences is a project-wide problem, tackling it in one package or even one subrepository, without any tools to ensure it doesn't regress, is a suboptimal use of time.

For example, there are 635 matches across 120 files for ".  " (dot followed by 2 spaces) in subrepo alone.

Primarily, the inconsistency in single vs double space between sentences is a project-wide problem, tackling it in one package or even one subrepository, without any tools to ensure it doesn't regress, is a suboptimal use of time.

Luckily, this problem is being addressed (in an efficient manner, by applying it to an entire repo at a time). It has been addressed inside the main repo, but not net subrepo yet:

In fact, that makes it viable for me to take net subrepo (if no one else gets to it first).