shumatech / BOSSA

BOSSA is a flash programming utility for Atmel's SAM family of flash-based ARM microcontrollers. The motivation behind BOSSA is to create a simple, easy-to-use, open source utility to replace Atmel's SAM-BA software. BOSSA is an acronym for Basic Open Source SAM-BA Application to reflect that goal.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comshumatech/BOSSARepository from Github https://github.comshumatech/BOSSA

Issue with connection to DUE

citpv opened this issue · comments


An issue with BOSSA maintaining connection and resetting the board. Tested with two different DUE boards one of which does not reset on power-up (D1 and D2) and one which does (D3). Can anyone explain what is happening?

BOSSA GUI as shown above can:
• Recognise the DUE D1 board and Write and Verify.
• The downloaded code does not run on D1 until after a manual reset
• After the manual reset BOSSA cannot connect to Device D1 (SAM-BA operation failed)
• Change USB connection to another DUE D2 (no auto-reset as code not running) and communication is OK after Refresh
• Recognise the DUE D2 board and Write and Verify.
• The downloaded code does not run on D2 until after a manual reset
• After the manual reset BOSSA cannot connect to Device D2 (SAM-BA operation failed)
• Change USB connection to original DUE D1 (no auto-reset as code not running) and communication is OK after Refresh

• Cannot connect to DUE D3 device which does have functional auto-reset and runs code on power-up

What operation system are you on ? I am having very similar issues but only on macos catalina 15.2