shufo / vscode-blade-formatter

An opinionated Blade file formatter for VSCode

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[Formatting Bug]: The extension ignores, some properties of the main configuration file

alanfzf opened this issue · comments



Template before formatting

@if ($solicitud->estado == 1 || $solicitud->estado == 2)
    <x-modal id="modal-verificacion-{{ $solicitud->codigo }}" titulo="Imágenes de Verificación">
        <x-slot name="button">
            <x-action tooltip="Imágenes de Verificación" data-toggle="modal"
                data-target="#modal-verificacion-{{ $solicitud->codigo }}">
                <x-iconos.userHome />
        <x-slot name="body">
            @include('SolicitudFinanciamiento.verificacion', [
                'solicitud' => $solicitud

Template after formatting

@if ($solicitud->estado == 1 || $solicitud->estado == 2)
    <x-modal id="modal-verificacion-{{ $solicitud->codigo }}" titulo="Imágenes de Verificación">
        <x-slot name="button">
            <x-action tooltip="Imágenes de Verificación" data-toggle="modal"
                data-target="#modal-verificacion-{{ $solicitud->codigo }}">
                <x-iconos.userHome />
        <x-slot name="body">
            @include('SolicitudFinanciamiento.verificacion', [
                'solicitud' => $solicitud,

Expected Behaviour

The formatter follows the main configuration file, instructions, and removes the trailing comma.

PS: i was able to test the behavior on a Mac M1 computer and it works, only on Linux machines are not following the main configuration file:


  "indentSize": 4,
  "wrapAttributes": "auto",
  "wrapLineLength": 120,
  "wrapAttributesMinAttrs": 2,
  "indentInnerHtml": true,
  "endWithNewLine": true,
  "endOfLine": "LF",
  "useTabs": false,
  "sortTailwindcssClasses": false,
  "sortHtmlAttributes": "none",
  "noMultipleEmptyLines": false,
  "noPhpSyntaxCheck": false,
  "noSingleQuote": false,
  "noTrailingCommaPhp": true,
  "extraLiners": []

Behavior of the formattter


Relevant log output

No response

I have the same problem!

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