shubhamSM1298 / n4-developer-submissions

A repository to hold student submissions for Exercises associated with the N4 Developer Training

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a repository that will be used to hold submissions for exercises completed as part of the N4 Developer Training. These exercises are not mandatory, and submission is not mandatory even if you do the exercise. However, if you would like your completed exercise to be code-reviewed by the instructor, here are the steps to submit your work:

One-Time Steps

These steps only need to be completed once at the beginning of the course to get the repo onto your machine.

  1. Login to GitHub and navigate to this repo.
  2. Click Fork in the top right corner to create a fork of this repository in your own GitHub account.

The fork button in a GitHub repo

  1. Create a clone of your forked repository on your machine. One way to do this is to click the Code button in your forked repository, copy the shown URL, and run the command git clone <forked_repo_url> on your machine.

The clone dialog in a GitHub repo

  1. Edit the environment.gradle file as necessary for your machine. The niagara_home and niagara_user_home variables should have the same values for these exercises as they do for the labs in class. The niagara_dev_home variable should point to the repository root directory.

Steps for Each Exercise

These steps must be completed for each exercise you want to submit.

  1. Navigate to the directory on your machine where you cloned your forked repository.
  2. Create a new branch to hold your changes and check it out. One way to do this is with the command git checkout -b <branch_name>, where <branch_name> is something descriptive about the changes that will be on your branch.
  3. Complete the exercise, including any coding, testing, etc.
  4. When you're ready to submit your code for review, create one or more commits holding your changes. A simple way to do this is to run the command git add . from the repository root to add all of your changes to staging , then run the command git commit -m "<commit_message>" to make a commit containing your changes.
  5. Push your commit(s) to your forked repository in GitHub with the command git push. If your local branch isn't tracking an upstream branch, you may need to use the command git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>
  6. In a web browser, navigate to your forked repository. Switch to the branch that you just pushed, then click the Contribute button and choose to open a Pull Request.

The Open Pull Request button in a GitHub repo

  1. Fill out the Pull Request form and submit the Pull Request.
  2. Your instructor will review your Pull Request and provide feedback on your code. Feel free to also look at other students' pull requests and the feedback on their code to get diverse ideas about how to solve the exercise.


A repository to hold student submissions for Exercises associated with the N4 Developer Training