shrink / actions-document-publish

:octocat: Publish a group of Markdown documents as a single PDF document

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Specify output filename

SharkFourSix opened this issue · comments

How do you specify the output name. I need to specify the name myself because I want to use the file in another file which in not part of the build steps.


Unfortunately, this action doesn't support specifying the output file name. I made this action quite a while ago and there are a few things to improve, that's one of them. For now, you can add your own step where you run a shell command to rename the file, e.g:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Publish Document
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Publish PDF Document
        uses: shrink/actions-document-publish@v1
        id: publish-document
          sources: 'documents/ documents/examples/**/*.md documents/'
      - run: mv ${{ steps.publish-document.outputs.pdf }} your-file-name.pdf

Alright. Thanks.


I'm getting this error here. Where exactly does it save?


Same thing. Permission denied. I noticed there are also two "//", indicating a missing directory entry.

Oh well