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Update from v0.4.2 to v0.4.3 results in KeyError: 'tex_files_out'

adonath opened this issue · comments

I updated showyourwork from v0.4.2 to v0.4.3. When I first run the showyourwork build command I now see the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/adonath/github/jolideco/jolideco-paper/.snakemake/scripts/", line 495, in <module>
    config["tree"] = get_json_tree(snakemake.input[0])
  File "/Users/adonath/github/my-project/.snakemake/scripts/", line 411, in get_json_tree
    free_floating_graphics = [
  File "/Users/adonath/github/my-project/.snakemake/scripts/", line 414, in <listcomp>
    if graphic not in config["tex_files_out"]
KeyError: 'tex_files_out'

When I re-run the showyourwork build command everything passed as expected. I presume the issue must be related to some caching step. However the same error appears when in the Github actions build, where I cannot easily fix it by re-running.

Related: Is there a way to fix the version of showyourwork in the action build?

Interesting! In the short term, you may be able to fix the GH Actions workflow using the article-cache-number argument ( and I'll take a closer look as soon as I can!

When I locally run:

showyourwork clean
showyourwork build

The error appears again. So it is reproducible and I can maybe try to provide a minimal example.

Whoa. Please do - let's try to track this down!

It looks like we don't test for this "floating graphic" feature :/

I think it would be fine and sufficient to just remove this check:

if graphic not in config["tex_files_out"]

@adonath — Perhaps you could try removing that line in your local installation and see if that does the trick?

In the meantime I started a new project based on v0.4.3 and there is no such error when starting from scratch. For the CI build I was able to fix the issue, just by pinning showyourwork==0.4.2 in the environment.yml file. So from my side there is no fix required anymore. The issue might just appear in rare circumstance that a repo was created using v0.4.2 and then updated to v0.4.3 in the process. In my case just sticking with v0.4.2. works fine.

Feel free to close @dfm.

Thanks for reporting this update back here, @adonath! I will close, and we can revisit if someone else comes across the issue later.