shotishu / basil.js

The missing Javascript smart persistent layer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The missing Javascript smart persistence layer

Basic Usage

basil = new window.Basil(options);

// basic methods
basil.set('foo', 'bar'); // store 'bar' value under 'foo' key
basil.get('foo'); // returns 'bar'
basil.remove('foo'); // remove 'foo' value

// advanced methods
basil.check('local'); // boolean. Test if localStorage is available
basil.reset(); // reset all stored values under namespace for current storage

Advanced Usage

basil = new window.Basil(options);

// force storage on the go through basil
// set 'bar' value under 'foo' key in localStorage
basil.set('foo', 'bar', { 'storage': 'local' });

// Access native storages
// With basil API, but without namespace nor JSON parsing for values

// cookies
basil.cookie.set(key, value, { 'days': days, 'domain': '' });

// localStorage
basil.localStorage.set(key, value);

// sessionStorage
basil.sessionStorage.set(key, value);


Here is the whole options object that you could give to Basil:

options = {
  // Namespace. Namespace you Basil stored data
  // default: 'b45i1'
  namespace: 'foo',

  // storages. Specify all Basil supported storages and priority order
  // default: `['local', 'cookie', 'session', 'memory']`
  storages: ['cookie', 'local']

  // storage. Specify the default storage to use
  // default: detect best available storage among the supported ones
  storage: 'cookie'


To generate the production files, make sure you already installed the dependencies using npm install and then just use:

npm run-script build


To launch the test suite, make sure you already installed the dependencies using npm-install. Tests are launching in all your installed browsers. They're also launched on Travis CI, in PhantomJS.

npm test


MIT. See


The missing Javascript smart persistent layer
