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Lacuna Font problems

ccoupe opened this issue · comments

The Lacuna font is claimed to not load in Shoes 3.3.7-windows. That version uses a newer pango than Shoes 3.3.6. - its the typical warning about ugly fonts issues to the console. The fall back font is a perfect match for Lacuna, to my eyes. After way too much deep diving into pangowin32-fontmap.c I began to suspect the font itself. The linux 'fontforge' program reports several problems with Lacuna.ttf The OSX Font Book app reports "Kern table structure and contents" which is similar to fontforge validation checks. FWIW, Coolvetica and other fonts load and display fine. It's specific to the lacuna.ttf It's beyond my skill and patience to fix the font in fontforge

It's only used in the Shoes splash screen so it's easy enough to substitute something else. But What?

I'm going to use the DejaVu Sans font from Ubuntu. Very similar in appearance.