shocker-0x15 / VLR

GPU Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Question: Ubuntu support

bipul-mohanto opened this issue · comments


Hello @shocker-0x15,

both of your VLR renderer and OptiX_Utility is windows-based. However, is it possible to run these on Linux (Ubuntu) with some minor modification? Do you have any plan to extend your VLR rendering engine for Linux (Ubuntu)?

If I am not wrong, VLR is a rendering engine, and OptiX_Utility is a OptiX wrapper library as Project-OWL by Ingo Wald, right?

I didn't test VLR on Linux at all. There must be some code to extend to run VLR on Linux, but I guess those should be relatively minor modifications. I don't have a plan to extend VLR to Linux for now by myself.

Regarding the last question, you are correct.


Thanks @shocker-0x15 for your reply. I am just a beginner in OptiX world, so I may have some silly questions.

  • To my best knowledge, VLR is the first OptiX based rendering engine publicly available. At the beginning of VLR, you mentioned

VLR is a GPU Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7

Doesn't that make VLR is a GPU based path tracing renderer? Because so far, I know, Monte Carlo ray tracing = uni-directional path tracing. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  • You did not use OptiX_Utility wrapper library in VLR (what I understand from reading the github readme instructions). So, OptiX_Utility and VLR are totally 2 different projects from you and have no relation to each other?
  • In VLR you have used libVLR with relevant files and mentioned that is another C++ wrapper library. So, is this libVLR only designed for VLR?

In my understanding, Monte Carlo Ray Tracing is a generic name for light transport algorithms including path tracing, bidirectional path tracing, metropolis light transport and possibly photon mapping and its variants (progressive photon mapping and VCM/UPS) , etc.

  • VLR is using OptiX_Utility.
  • libVLR is the renderer and that is VLR itself, the body of this repository. Another project HostProgram is there. It is literally a host program just to run VLR.

Thanks a lot, it's all clear now.