shlomiassaf / ngrid

A angular grid for the enterprise

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Docs indicate using an invalid columns format

DejayJD opened this issue · comments

What is the current behavior?

None of the rows/headers are showing up. All that is visible is the borders
Screen Shot 2019-08-07 at 2 10 50 PM



<pbl-ngrid [columns]="columns" [dataSource]="rows" style="height: 500px" vScrollAuto wheelMode="blocking">


import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'test-grid',
  templateUrl: './test-grid.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./test-grid.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class TestGridComponent implements OnInit {

  columns = [
    {prop: 'id', sort: true, width: '40px'},
    {prop: 'name', sort: true},
    {prop: 'gender', width: '50px'}

  rows = [
    {id:0, name:'JD', gender:'M'},
    {id:1, name:'Nathan', gender:'M'},
    {id:2, name:'Robert', gender:'M'},
    {id:3, name:'Noor', gender:'M'},
    {id:4, name:'Ross', gender:'M'},
    {id:5, name:'Andrea', gender:'F'},

  constructor() {

  ngOnInit() {


Which versions of Angular, CDK, Material, NGrid, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected?

Running in Chrome

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Tried following code in the starter repo - not working either

I'm having the same problem. Not sure how to fix it.

Guys, I need a working stack blitz to reproduce this.

Anyway, try adding a "noFiller" to the grid, maybe there is a bug with it, let me know:

<pbl-ngrid noFiller [columns]="columns" [dataSource]="rows" style="height: 500px" vScrollAuto wheelMode="blocking">

I gave you everything you would need, but whatever - here is a Stackblitz with the same result (including your suggestion).

Ok, the way you initialize the column is incorrect.

There are different types of columns, header/footer/group, so you can't just provide an array, you need to provide an object referencing the proper column types:

So, instead of this:

  columns = [
    {prop: 'id', sort: true, width: '40px'},
    {prop: 'name', sort: true},
    {prop: 'gender', width: '50px'}

Do this:

  columns = {
    table: {
      cols: [
         {prop: 'id', sort: true, width: '40px'},
         {prop: 'name', sort: true},
         {prop: 'gender', width: '50px'}

Read more here:

As a side note: Prefer using the datasource factory (createDS) and column factory (columnFactory )

Read more about the datasource factory and column factory

Your documentation literally says that you can provide an array. I'll definitely use that though. Thank you

@DejayJD I will fix the documentation, its probably a legacy error.

@DejayJD can you point me to the location in the docs, with the error?

Looking back at it, it looks like I mostly just got confused by, but now I'm seeing that all of your example code has that same column format - sorry I should have noticed that

@DejayJD nope, you're right, its misleading, thank you for the heads up.