shlomiassaf / ng-cli-packagr-tasks

Tasks & Workflow for ng-packagr.

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Function returning hook not working as expected

GerkinDev opened this issue · comments


Following your own example here, I did not managed to execute custom hooks.

I've solved my issue by manually registering my hook in the registry like so:

module.exports = ( ctx: NgPackagerHooksContext, registry: HookRegistry ) => {
	registry.register( 'initTsConfig', {
		after: async taskContext => {
		    // ...
	} );

Is the readme outdated ?

Same here! (Windows 10, node v14.18.1, npm 6.14.15, ng-cli-packagr-tasks 11.0.2).

Thank you @GerkinDev for the Workaround!