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[BUG] Revolver with six 200 brute projectiles (Execution)

generalthrax opened this issue · comments

Round ID:

Happened in a local and on auth.


Highly unlikely to be tied to any current testmerges


  1. Attempt to execute someone with the targeting mouth interaction
  2. Fail
  3. Watch it cycle again
  4. Fail again
  5. Repeat a few times, for all six bullets in a revolver
  6. Fanfire into six people
  7. Kill them all instantly with one shot, 200 brute

Strangely seems to be tied to the next bullet to be fired from a magazine. You can unload the bullet and put it into an entirely separate gun and it'll also do that same damage.

Probably can happen with any gun. I tested a Himehabu, a Flaming Arrow, a Shadow, and a Pistole C.