shinyoshiaki / werift-webrtc

WebRTC Implementation for TypeScript (Node.js), includes ICE/DTLS/SCTP/RTP/SRTP/WEBM/MP4

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New release/how to build develop locally

oeed opened this issue · comments

Thanks for merging #249! We need to start using the changes from it, do you have an idea as to when those changes will have an npm release; or alternatively, how to depend on a git version? I'm struggling to build the project locally as its' giving a large number of errors.

Alternatively, would a PR to master for the same changes be better?

Now version werift has been updated. But for the future, you can collect your own public npm package.

  • Install dependencies in root:
cd werift-webrtc
npm install
  • Install dependencies in webrtc:
cd packages/webrtc
npm install
  • Change name of package in packages/webrtc/package.json like a:
"name": "@oeed/werift",
  • Build package:
npm run build
  • Publish on first time:
npm publish --access=public
  • Publish on every other times:
npm publish 

Sorry 🤦 I saw in GitHub releases it hadn't been updated, but on npm it has! I should've checked, sorry. Thanks for your help ☺️