shinyoshiaki / werift-webrtc

WebRTC Implementation for TypeScript (Node.js), includes ICE/DTLS/SCTP/RTP/SRTP/WEBM/MP4

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Whether it can transfer the raw stream to the Web side

Canees opened this issue · comments


Get the original stream through ffmpeg and add it to the channel for Web-based presentation

I saw the ffmpeg example, which specifies the encoding format, but I need the browser to negotiate the encoding format with it


    const video= ffmpeg('/dev/video0')
        .outputOptions(['-pix_fmt yuv420p'])

    const audio = ffmpeg("plughw:1,0")


There is a sample code to send the video generated by ffmpeg to the browser for your reference.


npx ts-node-dev examples/mediachannel/sendonly/ffmpeg.ts

There is a sample code to send the video generated by ffmpeg to the browser for your reference.


npx ts-node-dev examples/mediachannel/sendonly/ffmpeg.ts

Thanks, I'll try