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[Bug]: Crash tapping local notification on iOS earlier than 16 when accessing FilterCriteria

johngraumann opened this issue · comments


Notifications (Shiny.Notifications)

What operating system(s) are effected?

  • iOS (13+ supported)
  • Mac Catalyst
  • Android (8+ supported)
  • Windows (.NET 7 Target - only Core is currently supported, BLE is coming)

Version(s) of Operation Systems

iOS 15.8

Hosting Model

  • MAUI
  • Native/Classic Xamarin
  • Manual

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a basic MAUI application for iOS and register a local notification delegate builder.Services.AddNotifications()
  2. Display a local notification INotificationManager.Send("Hello", "World").
  3. With the app in the foreground, pull down the system tray and tap the notification and choose "Open".

Expected Behavior

INotificationDelegate.OnEntry will be called in my local notification delegate.

Actual Behavior

The application crashes with an 'ObjCRuntime.ObjCException: Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: -[UNNotificationContent filterCriteria]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2823d3200' error.

It looks like is not available until iOS 16 but is currently inside a check for iOS 14 or greater.

Exception or Log output

at UserNotifications.UNNotificationContent.get_FilterCriteria() in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/build/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/UserNotifications/UNNotificationContent.g.cs:line 236
at Shiny.Notifications.ApplePlatformExtensions.FromNative(UNNotificationRequest native)
at Shiny.Notifications.ApplePlatformExtensions.FromNative(UNNotificationResponse native)
at Shiny.Notifications.NotificationManager.OnDidReceiveNotificationResponse(UNNotificationResponse response, Action completionHandler)

Code Sample

Code of Conduct

  • I have supplied a reproducible sample that is NOT FROM THE SHINY SAMPLES!
  • I am a Sponsor OR I am using the LATEST stable/beta version from nuget (v3.0 stable - ALPHAS are not taking issues - Sponsors can still send v2 issues)
  • I am Sponsor OR My GitHub account is 30+ days old
  • I understand that if I am checking these boxes and I am not actually following what they are saying, I will be removed from this repository!

Thank for the detailed report. This will be fixed as part of 3.2.2 in the next couple of days.