shinken-monitoring / mod-livestatus

Shinken module for presenting data with a MK/Livestatus comptabile interface

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Livestatus incorrectly reporting that contact is not in host notification period

ianling opened this issue · comments


I have a contact set to use the 24x7 timeperiod for host notifications. I've tested notifications, and they do receive notifications as expected.

In Livestatus, if I run the following query:

GET contacts
Filter: in_host_notification_period = 1

No contacts appear. If I remove the filter, all my contacts appear. Livestatus is correctly reporting that the contact is using the 24x7 timeperiod, but it says that they're not in their host notification period:

# column headers
# what livestatus returns

Using newest Livestatus module from git.


Actually, checking on this again, it looks like service_notification_period and host_notification_period return blanks now. Not sure what changed, I haven't updated anything, all contacts are still using all the different timeperiods they were before, and they're working; the contacts are receiving notifications during their timeperiods...

This is interesting because notification_period returns the proper value when querying Hosts.

The contact object sets those as follows:

    'host_notification_period': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status']),
    'service_notification_period': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status']),

The host object sets it like this:

        StringProp(brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']),

I'm not sure how important that brok_transformation= part is.

ALSO, this section is commented out of the contact object, but it is NOT commented out of the host object:

def linkify(self, timeperiods, commands, notificationways):
    # self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'service_notification_period')
    # self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'host_notification_period')

Oh ho ho! Uncommenting the:

def linkify(self, timeperiods, commands, notificationways):
    # self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'service_notification_period')
    # self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'host_notification_period')

fixed it! Now livestatus is showing me the contacts' notification period names, AND showing that they are in (or out of) the periods as expected!