shime / freelance-hackademy

πŸŽ“ Free initiative for teaching people how to become Ruby/Rails freelancer from scratch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Freelance Hackademy


Free initiative for teaching people how to become Ruby/Rails freelancer from scratch.

Read the introduction or start working on your freelancing skills by completing the step 1.


  1. Step 0 - Introduction
  2. Step 1 - Create those social accounts
  3. Step 2 - Learn web development fundamentals
  4. Step 3 - Get to know Ruby
  5. Step 4 - Install Ruby locally
  6. Step 5 - Finish Rails tutorial
  7. Coming soon


Logo is a combination of Mortar Board by Rutmer Zijlstra and wifi by Vicons Design from the Noun Project.




πŸŽ“ Free initiative for teaching people how to become Ruby/Rails freelancer from scratch.

License:MIT License