shibayan / terraform-azurerm-keyvault-acmebot

Terraform Module for Key Vault Acmebot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Azure Error for empty Acmebot:Webhook

robincher opened this issue · comments


I have use this terraform and its all good. This might be related #15 closed previously.

It seems like Azure will verify if the default Acmebot:Webhook is a valid convention, so setting it as a default "" empty string might cause the function app to stopped working after awhile.

I am getting this error from the function app after sometime.

Microsoft.Extensions.Options: DataAnnotations validation failed for members: 'Webhook' with the error: 'The Webhook field is not a valid fully-qualified http, https, or ftp URL.'.

Perhaps we should set var.webhook_url as a mandatory variable?

Fixed in v1.2.8