shiMusa / MathExtensions

Advanced math functions for Jai

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Advanced Math functions for Jai

The goal of this project is to progressively write a comprehensive mathematical library for Jai, similar to BLAS, the Gnu Scientific Library, or Hipparchus (former Java Apache Math).

The focus lies in providing the functionality first, performance second, but no unnecessary performance costs if possible.

Feel free to add functionality and performance upgrades.

Current thoughts

There was a major rewite. Now, almost all functions do not allocate, but rather the results are stored in arguments of the functions themselves. This improves some of the linear algebra functions drastically. It's basically the old-school way of doing things, and there was a reason to do so. The new (old-style) system is more general and performant.

To enable future optimizations, every funtion is basically just a relay to specialized functions, so foo(...) will actually call foo_default(...), foo_dense(...), etc. Currently, most functions have a default implementation for $V/VectorType or $M/MatrixType. It should be ease to extend the system with specialized, high-performance functions for special matrix/vector types (e.g. sparse, triagonal, hermitian, ...).

Almost all operator overloads were removed in that process and afterwards rewritten for Dense***/DenseHeap***.

Importand TODOs:

  • Disallow (most of) the functions in LinearAlgebra for Quaternion, since they don't commute, so they are likely wrong. I might implement a function is_commuting :: (z: $T) -> bool for that.
  • Implement more linear algebra. Since matrices might have complex entries, I have to be careful with implementing the algorithms (where do conjugates need to go?).


  • Current work focuses on making everything as generic as possible to enable different types of matrices/vector, heap/stack allocated, various number types.
  • I'm going through [2] now to improve the algorithms since that book is actually considering special properties of matrices early on and also writes out EVERY algorithm used.
  • (I might use some BLAS naming conventions and functions)
  • (maybe add Octonion($T) etc. later)

There are more thoughts written down in the document outlining some of my thoughts.

Currently Implemented

Quaternion, complex and reals scalars, vectors, matrices interoperate automatically (in most cases). Many functions specialize during compile-time on the real, complex, or quaternion variant (e.g. all the elementary functions).

  • Utils

    • pool(#code); will create and release a Pool of memory for all the allocations in the Code block.
  • Complex($T) numbers +, -, *, /,

    • str for pretty printing
  • Quaternion($T) numbers +, -, *, /,

    • str for pretty printing
    • [more stuff]
  • Elementary (n ∈ ℂ, ℍ)

    • sign(r)
    • factorial(n)
    • binomial(from, choose)
    • conjugate(n)
    • abs_sq(n)
    • abs(n)
    • arg(n)
    • exp(n)
    • log(n)
    • pow(n)
    • sqrt(n)
    • phase(magnitude ∈ ℂ, angle ∈ ℂ) [need to update for quaternion]
    • sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc on ℂ, ℍ
    • asin, acos, atan, acot, asec, acsc on ℂ, ℍ
    • sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch on ℂ, ℍ
    • asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, asech, acsch on ℂ, ℍ
  • polynomials

    • solve_quadratic -> ℂ
    • solve_quadratic_real -> ℝ
    • polynom(x, ..a) = a[0] x^n + a[1] x^{n-1} + ... + a[n] x^0, with a,x ∈ ℝ,ℂ
    • synthetic_division
    • repeated_synthetic_division
  • vector: VectorType; real or complex vector

    The following types are implemented:

    • DenseVector(Type, int)
    • DenseHeapVector(Type)
    • VectorView(Type, int) (behaves like DenseVector)
    • VectorHeapView(Type) (behaves like DenseHeapVector)
    • MatrixRowView(Type, int) (behvaes like DenseVector)
    • MatrixRowHeapView(Type) (behvaes like DenseHeapVector)
    • MatrixColumnView(Type, int) (behaves like DenseVector)
    • MatrixColumnHeapView(Type) (behaves like DenseHeapVector)

    The following functions are implemented:

    • str; for pretty printing
    • operators ==, +, -, *, /
    • in-place functions add, sub, neg, mul, div
    • multiple initialization functions (ones, basis, varargs, etc.)
    • conjugate
    • outer_product
    • reflect
    • norm(vec, n) with n ∈ ℝ, specialisations norm_2, norm_1, norm_inf
    • cross, for 3-dim vectors
    • angle
    • permute
    • swap
  • matrix: MatrixType ; real or complex

    The following types are implemented:

    • DenseMatrix(Type, int, int)
    • DenseHeapMatrix(Type)
    • MatrixView(Type, int, int) (behaves like DenseMatrix)
    • MatrixHeapView(Type) (behaves like DenseHeapMatrix)

    The following functions are implemented:

    • pstr, str for pretty printing
    • operators ==, +, -, *, /
    • row, column
    • in-place functions add, sub, neg, mul, div
    • multiple initialization functions (1, ones, hadamard, varargs, etc.)
    • reflector
    • submatrix
    • transpose
    • conjugate
    • conjugate_transpose = dagger
    • tensor
    • norm_1, norm_inf, norm_frobenius
    • permute_rows, permute_columns, permute
    • swap_columns, swap_rows
  • checks

    • is_diagonal_unit(M)
    • is_(left, right)\_triangular(M)
    • is_right_quasi_triangular(M)
    • is_unitary(M)
    • is_(left, right)_trapezoidal(M)
  • linear algebra

    • solve_linear_2x2 = sl2
    • solve_linear_(left, right)_triangular = sl(l, r)ta
    • solve_linear_right_quasi_triangular = slrqta
    • solve_linear_orthogonal_projection = solve_linear_unitary = slop
    • solve_linear_successive_orthogonal_projection = slsop
    • solve_linear_(left, right)_trapezoidal = sl(l, r)tz for vectors and matrices
    • decompose_LR
    • gaussian_factorization_(no, full, row)_pivot
    • solve_linear_gaussian_factorization_(no, full, row)_pivot = slgf_(n, f, r)p = solve_LR(n, f, r)p
    • inverse(M); M quadratic matrix ∈ ℂ
    • determinant = det; ∈ ℂ

Future Tasks

  • linear algebra
    • LAPACK Scaling for Gaussian factorization (Algorithm 3.9.1 [1])
    • Iterative Improvement for Gaussian factorization (Algorithm 3.9.2 [1])


Give sources for algorithms written so that we can take a look and help debugging.

Write (at least some) tests contained in each file.


[1] Scientific Computing, Vol I: Linear and nonlinear equations, Texts in computational science and engineering 18, Springer

[2] Matrix Computations, 4th Edition; Gene H. Golub & Charles F. Van Loan; Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore; 2013


Advanced math functions for Jai

License:MIT License


Language:Batchfile 100.0%